Derby Triage

Running a derby league is no small task. You have to keep track of attendance, volunteer hours, dues, and so much more. And none of it is nearly as much fun as playing derby.

That's where Derby Triage comes in. It lets you manage contact info, attendance records, volunteer shifts, dues payments, and many other details, all in one coordinated place. (Or it will, anyway. When we've had a bit more time to get our act together.)

And Derby Triage helps you track skater eligibility. At a glance, you can see which league members are allowed to skate, scrimmage, or bout – using criteria that you define. Does your league require its members to pay dues, maintain an attendance average, sign a waiver, and pass a skills test before scrimmaging? We can track that for you.

Derby Triage: Keeping track of the details so you can spend more time playing derby.